TOBY streetwear was founded in early 2017 with the goal to provide high quality apparel to people that feel as though they don't have a place in this world.
According to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, almost 45,000 Americans die by suicide each year, making it the tenth leading cause of death in the US. The National Institute of Mental Health says that suicide is the second leading cause of death among the 15-34 year old age group. Even more specific, 41% of the transgender population attempt suicide at some point in their lives (USAToday).
Although we are but one very small company, we are setting out on a mission to change some of those statistics. Mental health is something we all experience, so why act like people experience it alone?
TOBY streetwear is a clothing line that feels like hope, that feels like you are not alone. We create shirts that attempt to provide you with community. Shirts that advocate to start a conversation, or shirts that just make you feel...comfortable in a body that may not feel like it belongs to you just yet. TOBY stands for happiness, creativity, adventure, and feeling like YOU belong belong in this world, no matter who YOU believe YOU are.
TOBY streetwear: Clothing that feels like home.
Where did the name TOBY streetwear come from? Well, in 2014, an adorable, lively, curious kitten was adopted by our founder, Spencer. This kitten was given the name Toby, and he provided the feeling of being needed, of being worth something to a life that felt like those feelings were gone.